Yooper in Alaska

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Location: Pickford, Michigan, United States

Back home in Michigan! Missing Alaska but loving being home

Monday, March 09, 2009

Update Finished!

Again with the roaster - you may notice, he doesn't fit quite the same as he did a month or so ago. He has grown 3 1/2 inches since October and gained 2 pounds. He is now 39lbs and 34 1/2 inches.
Hiding out eating his Oreo. You do have to hide to eat those around here you know! :)
This is what your first experience eating a real banana looks like. Note to mom: next time, use the booster seat and strap him down! It was too cute regardless of the mess!
We love our pj Saturdays!
Just some cheesy grins to share!

Happy Valentines Day! It's so funny to look at the difference in that first year!

Nap time! He only takes one nap a day now. So you may be questioning where Brock is right now and how I have time to do this update... well he is not napping - look below:I put him up to the table with my old laptop and let him at it. I downloaded my itunes with some cartoons and he is all set to work at the table with Momma!
Brock loves being outside! He splashes in the puddles, wades in the mud and loves being at Pa's barn! We have some pictures of that too... just on the other camera... so you'll have to wait on those! I am still happy to be back in Michigan and loving my job, as a teacher and as a mom!
Well there, you have it! We are doing great, loving life and having a blast!

Update continued

Brock still loves his Biscuit! When you ask him what the doggy says, he pants. He is constantly learning. He does a fair amount of talking, a lot of it is gibberish of course but I am positive it means something to him! He blows kisses and high fives, and at church, he often shakes hands.
Kicked back watching cartoons! He loves Handy Manny and Pooh and Friends. He is partial to anything that has music. Mickey Mouse is a favorite as well.
SuperBowl Sunday - I am all to aware of the fact that the Lions were no where near Super Bowl, however, we were donning our Lions apparel regardless. In all honesty, we didn't even watch much of the game. I am sure there was something more pressing at the time.

Brock puts many things in my roaster and carries them around. This particular day, he decided it was a good place to put himself. I thought is was quite cute! He finds some interesting uses for many things.

I've been reminded that it's been awhile since I've updated. Needless to say, I just don't have the free time I once had! It's been a blast but wow... talk about busy! Some days it is just being busy with our cars on the floor, some days it is throwing a ball about the living room, once in awhile we are busy reading a book, regardless of the activity, we have been busy! :) And I do love staying busy!
Brock creating his masterpiece. His first drawings were framed and given to Grandma and Grandpa. They were just beautiful of course.
Brock loves to talk. Here he is on his cell phone talking to Uncle Randy I believe. He is certainly a multitasker, riding his lion while carrying on a conversation. Such talent!
Empty bottle... might as well sleep! I love this picture. He actually fell asleep with his head on the old answering machine. I'd think it was a bit uncomfortable. Of course, he didn't stay there long, I did pick him up and take a cat nap with him!
Brushing the teeth is a great habit to get into so we are starting that young. He does love to do it too. I am sure it is playing in the water that he likes, regardless the pearly white are getting the benefit of it all!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Happy New Year

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 2008 has been a blessed year for us! Hoping 2009 brings more joy, more love, and many more memories for all!

Christmas 08

Brock and his animals. He really likes his Tigger. He likes to carry them around, push them on his tractor, rock them... and of course... throw them, feed them and once in awhile, kind of beats them up. Typical boy I suppose.
In his Red Wings outfit. He looks so grown up these days. It's so hard to believe my baby is no longer a baby. And then there are the times he still looks so baby like....
So peaceful, so quiet, so lovable... so much my boy!
This picture cracks me up. He is actually trying to lift the lid to the footstool, toybox. I just love that face! Lord only knows what he is up to in this picture. He was sitting behind the chair. This is usually where the cat hides... but no cat... probably hiding somewhere else being that the kiddo was in his zone! This was taken Christmas Eve '08.

While I was wrapping presents... Brock was busy wrapping stuff too... I guess... He took off with the roll of wrapping paper and headed to Randy's room. Here he is sitting on Randy's bed with the wrapping paper all around him. When he was done in that room, he headed back out to the kitchen... bringing his paper with him. We had wrapping paper all over the house... oh well... tis the season!Brock and I spent Christmas Eve out at mom and dad's house. Santa did make his way out there. He brought Biscuit the dog for Brock. I have to say... it was a hit! Brock just loves his doggy.
Brock drinking from his bottle... Biscuit chewing Brock's hand... Sounds like a fair trade to me.
We had a great Christmas. It was so much fun seeing Brock react to all his gifts. We did pretty good on the gift situation. I got a new kitchen table from mom and dad, Randy bought me a new bed frame... the kind I wanted... the log kind... (will take pictures when it is up and ready) and Brock gave me a pair of opal earrings, his birthstone. I love being home with my family and friends... it has been a great 2008!!!

Just some pictures...

Ok... so cowboys are suppose to ride horses... well this cowpoke is riding Lion! Dare you to do that!!!
Uncle Mark bought this outfit for Brock awhile back. It was hanging in the closet and I decided because Brock was wearing 18 month size... I better try it on him and see if it fit... well... it did but I knew it wasn't going to fit too much longer. He was the best dressed chap that day in church for sure! Thanks again Uncle Mark!
I just love that face. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time. He has such a personality! In the picture below he is telling me one of his stories. He loves to talk! I have no idea what he is saying most of the time but he gabs away like we all understand every word!
Pickford had a Fall fest up at the park this year. We went up and got Brock's pictures done. It was a week before he turned 1 so I figured... good excuse to get pictures. When we got there we met up with Brock's buddy Drake. Hard to believe but the boys were dressed in identical outfits. Brock had his cowboy boots on and Drake had his work boots but that is the only difference! They are two very handsome boys! The boys will be in school together but Brock is four months older than Drake. Sure look closer in age than that don't they???

Best of buds!

I put these totes in front of the tv to stop Brock from pushing the buttons on the front of it... needless to say... it no longer works. He has learned he can climb on many things that I would rather he didn't!
Just kicked back relaxing in his rocking chair. He no longer stands in that chair... thank goodness! He just rocks in it... sometimes gives his stuffed animals a ride in it as well.
This is Brock with Rudolf. He really didn't know what to think of him at first. If you pinch his ear, he sings the song. I think it honestly freaked him out at first... but as you see... eventually, he fell in love with Rudolf!
Another one of my favorite pictures. He's my little dude!

This thing called snow...

Ok... so we got Brock all bundles up and headed outside to see exactly what he thought of the snow... well... being a true Yupik Yooper... He loved it! Note: mom has her flip flops on...
He really likes his new sled! Pa would pull him around the driveway and bring him back to the house. When he got to the stairs, Brock would start to cry until Pa pulled him back out to the drive. It was pretty cute... well we thought so... not so sure what dad thought... He did it and that is all that mattered to Brock!

He just loves being outside. The cold really doesn't seem to bother him. He loves to feel the snow falling on his face. He will hold his hands out and try to catch falling snow. He really doesn't like mittens much... didn't like the hat either until he realized it really did make it a bit warmer! Perhaps he will someday get used to the mittens as well. We'll see!
This is Brock loving his new chair! He thinks he is pretty darn cool sitting in it. He often gets Little Bear, pulls his chair up to the end table and watches his DVDs. It's pretty cute!

Here he is with his juice... watching a movie... with his feet up! What a kid! What a life! (Wish I could do that!)

October... it came... it went....

I was informed the other day that I hadn't posted to my blog in a long time... well... I guess it is time to update. So... this is for you Momma Love!

Many changes occurring daily... Brock no longer likes baby food! He is now on a mission to feed himself. The newest obstacle is trying to find food that he likes. He likes pasta a lot... really likes Easy Mac! He insists on feeding himself as well. I am all about independence however... what a mess! Brock also turned one year old October 18th! It is amazing how dang quickly the time goes. It surely doesn't seem like a year ago already! He really didn't get into the cake too much but he did enjoy what he did taste. I even had him all stripped down just in case...

He had a "Barnyard" birthday party complete with cousins, Aunts, Uncles, and grandparents. He got lots of new toys and enjoyed everything. I did learn that come Christmas... none of his toys will be wired down when he opens them! Lesson learned!

Above is Brock reading his card he got from his father and Ryan. It sang a song when he opened it. It was pretty fascinating for him. I love the way he sits with his feet crossed. By the way... check out the size of those feet!Brock loved being Tigger... welll I think he loved getting lots of candy, juice , and toys for Halloween. It was a fun night for all of us.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Still catching up...

Grandma made fudge... Brock licked the spoon... needless to say, he liked it! Anytime he tries something new... I can't help but think of Frankie... who was always trying to get him to try things!
He often has peaches with grandpa! I would probably like peaches if someone skinned them for me!
Grandpa and Brock in the John Deere. He loves being on the lawn mower and the tractors. I am sure he will enjoy riding on them eventually as well but for no it's just sitting! He likes to steer them and he has found the horn on the Deere.
Grandpa is going to get a jump seat so that Brock can safely ride with him. Brock loves spending time with grandma and grandpa! He is really a Papa's chum!